So why was I looking in this section in particular? Recently I have been stumbling upon endless questions that had been questioning my inner psyche.It wasn't until the more I was catching up with my friends back here in Hong Kong that I realised that it is a vital time to reflect upon my achievements, my goals, who I am, what do I want to achieve and where to I want go?
Of course action speak louder than words. So there's no point rambling in my mind all these questions. They are inevitably only going to make my mind tired and . I need to find a way of achieving this goals. Making these words spring into ACTION.
This book is probably an indirect approach but will be of guidance in helping me as what the book states: 'to unlock my potential...find courage, inspiration, success and happiness'. Do these words not epitomise what people would like to acquire and pursue? Dare you to say no but these words definitely sprung qualities of what I would like to be defined with. Wouldn't anyone?
I stood staring at a bold red book. 'The Tools' by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels. Okay, so it's recommended by one if its staff. I guess it could be good. I can't help but notice the 'Hollywood's open secret' credential by The New Yorker. From a graphic perspective, the design it not bad at all It actually makes me want to read it. It's simple graphics- focus on the type, seems to wrap up that it will be a straight forward, no-fuss read. I wanted to skim read a few pages but it was plastic wrapped. I'm always reluctant about buying a book I don't know about but there was something about this book that was telling me to buy it. I couldn't leave it there. It was the last one on the shelf as well. I gave in. It must be a good read I thought to myself.
My curiosity did get the better of me and as soon as I bought it, I unwrapped the wrapping like a child on Christmas day wondering if I had bought a book that was worth buying. Mixed emotions reading the first few lines but I had to give it a chance. I was walking home and I couldn't help myself carrying on reading it as I was walking my way home. This is pretty darn interesting. Let me read a little more.
I got home and found myself glued to the book. I couldn't put it down. Was it because I was intrigued by what Stutz had to say or the approaches he was describing in his book? Will this change my life? Is this true? Will it work? Who knows, I guess I can only find out by trying his techniques. However, even before trying out his techniques the tone of voice of the narrative induces a sense of calm, expresses a sense that readers will grow and reassurance that everything will be okay, if not better.
I can't wait to apply these techniques to my life and foresee a brighter future that it awaiting through conquering fears, embracing challenges and times of adversity! Off i go to continue reading.
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