Once the audience scans their QR code they will be automatically directed to a webpage where they can fill in their contact details to receive a free Cadbury Bubbly bar which will be sent to their doorstep. I have tried to keep with Cadbury's brand aesthetic by employing the purple hue and logo. I have also included social sharing tools (fb, twitter and Google talk) so that the audience can create buzz and get more people to know about the product and try the product. This could help to generate hype for the campaign.
Initial webpage visualisation (click on the images to see a bigger image version)
© Kasumi Miyake 2012 |
Simple and minimal.
© Kasumi Miyake 2012 |
Circle bubble vectors to anchor the product and QR code poster.
© Kasumi Miyake 2012 |
Bubble wrap popping game on the side. Perhaps this could appear while the page is loading so that the audience can interact with a game whilst waiting for the page to enter.
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