I have decided to change the text rendered into the shape of the lungs containing the facts by replacing the idea with a more interactive concept.
A floor projection will be used for this project as well as I think it is easy to display the information using an infographic approach for easy understanding without having the viewer putting to much effort.
The floor projection will be interactive. It will be advertised in public spaces during Lung Cancer Awareness Day- the projection can easily be projected into parks, health food shops non-smoking and smoking areas. I have changed the directed target audience by directing the installation to both smokers and non-smokers. This way, everyone can be embraced to be informed about lung cancer thereby helping to raise awareness.
© Kasumi Miyake 2012 |
Dissolves to show next visual.
© Kasumi Miyake 2012 |
Blue circle dissolves to show the pink and orange circle. User taps onto the interactive floor projection with their foot on their corresponding answer.
© Kasumi Miyake 2012 |
The pink circle will grow and the orange circle will shrink to visually explain the likelihood of being diagnosed with lung cancer.
© Kasumi Miyake 2012 |
© Kasumi Miyake 2012 |
Users will be asked to tap the projection to show the chances decreasing and the circles become smaller. The more they tao onto the project, the more they will find that the numbers and circle size will start decreasing.
© Kasumi Miyake 2012 |
© Kasumi Miyake 2012 |
The decreasing numbers and circle sizes help to visually explain that you could reduce your chances.By making the user partake in the projection also helps to convey that they are in control of minimising risks and how the disease is not in control of them, helping to project a more positive voice. This will encourage users to check their symptoms early.
© Kasumi Miyake 2012 |
The QR code will be appear so that they can directly get the app after interacting with the projection.
© Kasumi Miyake 2012 |
© Kasumi Miyake 2012 |
© Kasumi Miyake 2012 |
© Kasumi Miyake 2012 |
© Kasumi Miyake 2012 |
The chance percentage and the circle shape will appear smaller and smaller to show that the chances can be minimised. I have adopted this visual approach to evoke a more positive outlook on lung cancer to embrace how people should not be scared of being diagnosed and also to make people more aware of it to convey how early diagnosis can save lives.
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